~ Map Class

The JSON data structure of a map.



autoplayBgm Boolean

The "autoplay BGM" option.

autoplayBgs Boolean

The "autoplay BGS" option.

battleback1Name String

The file name of the battle background floor image.

battleback2Name String

The file name of the battle background wall image.

bgm ~ AudioFile

The BGM for autoplay.

bgs ~ AudioFile

The BGS for autoplay.

data Array

The three-dimensional array containing the map data.

disableDashing Boolean

The "disable dashing" option.

displayName String

The display name.

encounterList Array

The array of Encounter data.

encounterStep Number

The encounter steps.

events Array

The array of Event data.

height Number

The height.

note String

The note.

parallaxLoopX Boolean

The "loop horizontally" option for the parallax background.

parallaxLoopY Boolean

The "loop vertically" option for the parallax background.

parallaxName String

The file name of the parallax background image.

parallaxShow Boolean

The "show in the editor" option for the parallax background.

parallaxSx Number

The automatic x-axis scrolling speed for the parallax background.

parallaxSy Number

The automatic y-axis scrolling speed for the parallax background.

scrollType Number

The scroll type.

specifyBattleback Boolean

The "specify battleback" option.

tilesetId Number

The tileset ID.

width Number

The width.