~ Skill Class

The JSON data structure of a skill.



animationId Number

The animation ID.

damage ~ Damage

The damage.

description String

The description.

effects Array

The array of Effect data.

hitType Number

The hit type.

iconIndex Number

The index of the icon image.

id Number

The ID.

message1 String

The message line 1.

message2 String

The message line 2.

mpCost Number

The MP cost.

name String

The name.

note String

The note.

occasion Number

The occasion.

repeats Number

The number of repeats.

requiredWtypeId1 Number

The required weapon type 1.

requiredWtypeId2 Number

The required weapon type 2.

scope Number

The scope.

speed Number

The speed.

stypeId Number

The skill type ID.

successRate Number

The success rate.

tpCost Number

The TP cost.

tpGain Number

The TP gain.