~ System Class

The JSON data structure of the system.



airship ~ System::Vehicle

The airship settings.

armorTypes Array

The list of the armor types.

attackMotions Array

The array of AttackMotion data.

battleback1Name String

The file name of the battle background floor image for battle tests.

battleback2Name String

The file name of the battle background wall image for battle tests.

battleBgm ~ AudioFile

The battle BGM.

battlerHue Number

The hue rotation value of the enemy image for use in editing animations.

battlerName String

The file name of the enemy image for use in editing animations.

boat ~ System::Vehicle

The boat settings.

currencyUnit String

The currency unit.

defeatMe ~ AudioFile

The defeat ME.

editMapId Number

The ID of the map currently being edited.

elements Array

The list of the elements.

equipTypes Array

The list of the equipment types.

gameoverMe ~ AudioFile

The game over ME.

gameTitle String

The game title.

locale String

The locale string such as "ja_JP" and "en_US".

magicSkills Array

The array of skill type IDs for magic skills.

menuCommands Array

The menu commands.

optDisplayTp Boolean

The "display TP in battle" option.

optDrawTitle Boolean

The "draw game title" option.

optExtraExp Boolean

The "EXP for reserve members" option.

optFloorDeath Boolean

The "knockout by floor damage" option.

optFollowers Boolean

The "show player followers" option.

optSideView Boolean

The "use side-view battle" option.

optSlipDeath Boolean

The "knockout by slip damage" option.

optTransparent Boolean

The "start transparent" option.

partyMembers Array

The array of actor IDs in the starting party.

ship ~ System::Vehicle

The array of actor IDs in the starting party.

skillTypes Array

The list of the skill types.

sounds Array

The array of AudioFile data for sound effects.

startMapId Number

The map ID of the player's starting position.

startX Number

The x coordinate of the player's starting position.

startY Number

The y coordinate of the player's starting position.

switches Array

The list of the switch names.

terms ~ System::Terms

The terms.

testBattlers Array

The array of TestBattler data.

testTroopId Number

The troop ID for battle tests.

title1Name String

The file name of the background image in the title screen.

title2Name String

The file name of the frame image in the title screen.

titleBgm ~ AudioFile

The title BGM.

variables Array

The list of the variable names.

versionId Number

The random number used for update check.

victoryMe ~ AudioFile

The victory ME.

weaponTypes Array

The list of the weapon types.

windowTone Array

The window color.